About the fund

We are "Aid Ukraine"

A non-profit organization born with the support of three countries - the United States, Ukraine and Germany, aimed at creating health center for the effective rehabilitation of war victims in Ukraine


Construction of multi-vector rehab center for soldiers injured on the battlefield, their family members and other victims of war.  


Restoring moral and physical health of the nation, improving well-being of those who risked their lives for the future of our country

About the fund


Covering of reliable data and reporting of the fund in full.
Providing comprehensive information about the
activity of the organization in free access


Association with representatives of other organizations, communities and countries for the purpose of realizing the goal — providing assistance


Opportunity to receive help for all war victims
who need it, without discrimination based on race,
religion, class


Involvement of leading specialists for effective medical work according to international standards and protocols


Ability to be fully responsible for decisions and actions implemented by the organization

The restoration of the nation is entirely possible if we work on it together!
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